Watch News

Our third Shop Edition in collaboration with Gshock – Fighting COVID19 our own way!

We are all going through tough times during this world pandemic; but we need to stay positive and support each other.

For this reason, we decided to collaborate with Gshock and design a special watch with the support of 2 local designers in Dubai: Diaa who is a calligrapher and Stephany who is a Digital artist competed head to head to design a strap for our special edition watch and You were the judges by voting on the design that suited you best.

The winning design will be produced in a short limited edition with 30% of proceeds donated for a local charity COVID19 program.

So let’s check them out






We launched the competition on Monday 18th of May on my instagram account and the official Gshock Middle East account from 6pm till midnight collecting all of you votes which totaled over 3,000 participtants by the end of the day.

The competition between both designs was fierce and kept alternating between 50/50 and 49/51 until the last hour of the competition and when we added votes from both our accounts the final ruling went to Diaa’s design.


The winning design is not going to be produced by Gshock in a limited quantity of 30 watches only that are pre-sold on our website (link)

We will be donating 30% of all proceeds to a charity foundation that is fighting COVID19 pandemic.

Hope you all enjoyed this competition and thank you for being part of this experience.

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